The Tetracosmos is the complete multiverse where the story of Pantagrame Quest unfolds.
It is a hyperdimensional tetrahedron (a pyramid made of four equilateral triangles). It does not have any general geography and cannot be embraced by the human gaze or reached by human actions.
The Tetracosmos embodies the Solworld, the flat world populated by humans, as one of its facets. It is likely that all four facets each represent a world.
- The Tetracosmos was designed by Oasis Nadrama as a transmedia radical science-fiction setting.
- Works under development include video games, novels and short movies.
- It is unknown if each story will focus on a different world.
- It is unknown if there are indeed four worlds, or if other facets include other functions.
- It is unknown how the tetrahedron works in relation to the musical sky.